Aims and objectives:


  1. To be guardians of the vision and values of the church.


  1. To provide oversight and to be shepherds of the church.


  1. To oversee the church’s assets and budget, and provide wise and faith-filled stewardship of such resources.


The people of this group:

Model a lifestyle of prayer, worship & seeking prophetic wisdom. 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1:9  


Agree, set and model the church's vision and values (1 Peter 5:3)


Cultivate kingdom culture across the church. 


Ensure the church is healthy and in line with scripture, particularly in the areas of:  

  • Doctrine and teaching: Acts 20:29-31, Titus 1:9

  • Unity: Ephesians 4:3, 1 Corinthians 1:10

  • Discipline: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, Matthew 18:15-22

 Ensure good management is in place – both

legal and pastoral: 1 Timothy 5:7






paul cattaneo


Deb Geden


kim findlay


ron hedlund


liz salisbury


We wish to be transparent in all we do, so if you have any questions, please email us.